Licensed and Registered Mental Health Professionals

Orestis Kasinopoulos, PhD
Clinical Psychologist| Project Founder & Director |
"In my mental health practice, I embrace a humanistic approach centered on fostering genuine connections and understanding. I believe in the inherent worth and potential for growth within each individual, creating a safe and compassionate space for clients to explore their experiences and navigate their unique paths to self-discovery and well-being.
Let's embark together on a collaborative journey towards empowerment and holistic healing.
Short video regarding my approach

Stylianos Constantinou, MSc
Clinical Psychologist (GESY)
"My philosophy is based on a great lesson I received from my mentor:
"For everyone you have in front of you, know that they are first and foremost HUMAN." With this in mind, I am always there for my client… to listen carefully… for them to share with me what concerns them… to give them space and time… and to reach the therapeutic goals together…"

Georgia Spyridou, MSc
Clinical Psychologist (GESY)
“Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul”
Carl Jung.
In my mental health practice, I embrace an integrative approach centered on creating a unique form of treatment for each individual that will best suit their needs and goals.
Understanding that for some people seeking psychological support is a big step, I offer a non-judgmental, confidential, compassionate and professional therapeutic environment."

Rebecca Mouyi, PhD
Clinical Psychologist (GESY)
"My philosophy is based on the creation of a therapeutic relationship characterized by acceptance, respect, trust, honesty, and empathetic understanding combined with the use of evidence-based interventions.
Hence, I am dedicated to the individuals’ self-awareness promotion, commitment to a life in accordance with their values, and the exploration of the meaning of life”.

Stavriana Nicolaidou, MSc
Clinical Psychologist (GESY)
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
― Viktor E. Frankl
Empathy, unconditional positive regard for people, authenticity, and respect are the prerequisites for creating a meaningful therapeutic relationship of trust according to the great masters.
These principles form the foundation of my own philosophy as well.

Anna Antoniou, MSc
Counselling Psychologist
"A positive loving relationship allows for the formation of the ability to deal with trust and mutual respect, while on the contrary, a dependent or strongly conflictual relationship accompanies the person for life and disrupts personal relationships.
We are our choices."

Anthoulla Papageorgiou, MA
School - Educational Psychologist
"Through the collaboration with the family, child/adolescent, school, therapist – and any significant other - while using empirically documented methods, it is possible to achieve any change. My goal is to help those mentioned above to "shift" and transform the old-fashioned notion that it is the child that "bears" the difficulty and therefore, it is him who needs help."

Dionysia Marti, MA
School - Educational Psychologist
"I don't see a child who behaves problematically.
I see a child who expresses a need that I am called upon to identify and fill.
My best interest is that of the child. I aim to identify the needs of each child by providing an empirically based assessment. I aim to create a personalized intervention plan which promotes psychological balance and well-being of each child and family."

Alexandra Zapiti, MSc
School - Educational Psychologist
My sole purpose is to support, inspire, and remind parents, caregivers, educators, and children of the importance of promoting their mental health. Helping in turning other’s pain or difficulty into strength and change someones’s life for the better.
I strongly believe that when you practice the profession you love, along with the required skills, knowledge, confidence and empathy, you can be a source of inspiration to those around you.
"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination."
– Carl Rogers